@@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - inst.id @@@@@ AERI-06@@@@@ END OF SECTION - inst.id @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - aerihk.cfg @@@@@ # AERIHK GENERIC (981201) # AERIHK is responsible for storing 5-second samples # and writes *HK.SPC on request by c&c software # this is a comment ( this is a comment too ) # set the software release number to be put in all output files systemreleasenumber 3.0 # scanRate: number of seconds to budget for each pass of # the interferometer (see mirror.beg) scanRate 2.5 # hatchPolarity : 'low' indicates active-low hatch detectors # any other value defaults to active-high hatchPolarity low # optionally override max number of stored samples # generally not used # numSamples 25 # maxStdDevChannels: name temperature channels on # DASHRES card used for maxSampleStdDev calculation # generally, this is all the BB thermistors available maxStdDevChannels ABBapexTemp ABBtopTemp ABBbottomTemp HBBapexTemp HBBtopTemp HBBbottomTemp # ABBchannels and HBBchannels: name the channels used to calculate *BBmaxTempDiff # generally, this is all the available thermistors for a given BB (3 max) ABBchannels ABBapexTemp ABBtopTemp ABBbottomTemp HBBchannels HBBapexTemp HBBtopTemp HBBbottomTemp @@@@@ END OF SECTION - aerihk.cfg @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - mandb @@@@@ -6.271100296945276032e-04,1.869672043498066927e+00 -4.803905146110335009e-04,-3.067152598380538997e+00 -5.536574442555111100e-04,-1.717082585051225241e+00 -5.808508646299248915e-04,-1.851023910182100440e+00 -5.389729328606323580e-04,-2.310463007219149656e+00 -4.845943224375394258e-04,-3.043741925898320488e+00 -6.241549117041278027e-04,-2.002974168206864913e+00 -5.419928222633194287e-04,-7.448682961815737968e-01 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000e+00,0.000000000000000000e+00 """2020-02-07""","""18:55:32.010053""" # Resistor Set SN02, SCE SN04 # Resistor Set Calibration Date: 1-24-2020@@@@@ END OF SECTION - mandb @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - rbridge.res @@@@@ 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.2 10500.2 10500.2 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.3 10500.4 10500.4 10500.4 10500.4 10500.4 10500.4 10500.1 10500.0 10500.0 10500.0 10500.1 10500.1 10500.1 10500.1 "2005-05-17","10:00:00" # SCE SN09; dirkx @@@@@ END OF SECTION - rbridge.res @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - numsamps.avg @@@@@ 200 "2002.09.01","00:00:00"@@@@@ END OF SECTION - numsamps.avg @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - abcvals.num @@@@@ 0.00101387955 0.000241758503 0.000000145766520 0.00101493542 0.000241615173 0.000000145837326 0.00101304956 0.000241917228 0.000000144775760 0.00101199343 0.000242054166 0.000000145231363 0.00101255933 0.000241940593 0.000000145767210 0.00101272673 0.000241925546 0.000000145318448 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00100958966 0.000242477213 0.000000143361238 0.00101081705 0.000242335750 0.000000143953549 0.00101091675 0.000242383504 0.000000142970789 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 0.00102814693 0.000239300534 0.00000015600196 "06-12-2014" "18:42:04" # ABB SN25 -20to40 HBB SN27 2014.06.12 NBB SN54 2010.06.30 @@@@@ END OF SECTION - abcvals.num @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - motheat.cfg @@@@@ @@@@@ END OF SECTION - motheat.cfg @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - aeri.pos @@@@@ LAT = 43.01774 LON = -87.90572 ALT = 180 "09-25-2023","23:47:00"@@@@@ END OF SECTION - aeri.pos @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - mirror.beg @@@@@ 20 1 D4915 HBB 6 60 D-25085 ABB 6 120 D-1085 SKY 6 0 D-1085 T-SKY 6 0 D-1085 U-SKY 6 0 D-1085 V-SKY 6 0 D-1085 W-SKY 6 0 D-1085 X-SKY 6 0 D-1085 Y-SKY 6 0 D-1085 Z-SKY 6 0 D-25085 ABB 6 120 D4915 HBB 6 60 D-1085 SKY 6 0 D-1085 T-SKY 6 0 D-1085 U-SKY 6 0 D-1085 V-SKY 6 0 D-1085 W-SKY 6 0 D-1085 X-SKY 6 0 D-1085 Y-SKY 6 0 D-1085 Z-SKY 6 0@@@@@ END OF SECTION - mirror.beg @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - op.set @@@@@ ; Default setup file ; ; General parameters ; ; Instrument type (0=M100 1=MB 2=M120 4=M100 5=MR200) INSTYP = 1 ; Extended (1) or Limited (0) filing system EXTLIM = 1 ; DSP board interrupt number (3 or 5) DSPINT = 5 ; Number of DSP boards installed (1-2) DSPNUM = 2 ; Type of DSP board installed (1=normal DSP 3=1 wait state 4=0 wait state DSPTYP = 1 ; Forward scans only (0) or bidirectional (1) DIRMOD = 1 ; Calibration method = 0 = One point calibration ; 1 = Two-point calibration with self phase correction ; 2 = Two-point calib. with black body phase correction CALIBR = 2 ; Combine forward and reverse (1) or not (0) after calibration COMBIN = 0 ; Merge Detector 1 and 2 together (1) or not (0) after calibration ; (valid only with a 2 DSP system ) MERGED = 0 ; Cutoff frequency in case of a merge (floating point format) CUTOFF = 1700.0 ; Keep all scans (1) or not (0) (requires LabCalc, output files all become ; LabCalc Multifile format) KEEPSC = 0 ; Wavenumber minimum limit for detector #1 (floating point format) SIGMN1 = 200.0 ; Wavenumber maximum limit for detector #1 (floating point format) SIGMX1 = 2000.0 ; Wavenumber minimum limit for detector #2 (floating point format)(optional) SIGMN2 = 1600.0 ; Wavenumber maximum limit for detector #2 (floating point format)(optional) SIGMX2 = 3020.0 ; Apodization function (0=BOXCAR 1=BARTLET 2=COSINE 3=HAMMING 4=BLACKMAN ; 5=GAUSSIAN 6=NORTON_B_WEEK 7=NORTON_B_MEDIUM ; 8=NORTON_B_STRONG) ; WARNING: DSP96000 only APODIZ = 0 ; ; Cold calibration parameters ; ; Cold calibration Aperture Stop Diameter in cm (floating point format) CC_ASD = 2.5 ; Cold calibration Field Stop Diameter in cm (floating point format) CC_FSD = 0.64 ; Distance or Collimator Focal Length in cm (floating point format) CC_CFL = 13.9 ; Cold Black Body Temperature in Kelvin (floating point format) CC_BBT = 293.0 ; Cold Black Body ambiant temperature in Kelvin (floating point format) ; (optional) CCAMBT = 300.0 ; Cold Black body emissivity (0 <= emissivity <= 1) (floating point format) ; (optional) CCEMIS = 1.0 ; Number of scan to be done for Cold calibration CCNSCA = 1 ; Cold calibration file description ; (must be enclosed in double quotes 80 char. max ) CCDESC = "Sample description for Cold calibration ... " ; ; Hot calibration parameters ; ; Hot calibration Aperture Stop Diameter in cm (floating point format) HC_ASD = 2.5 ; Hot calibration Field Stop Diameter in cm (floating point format) HC_FSD = 0.64 ; Distance or Collimator Focal Length in cm (floating point format) HC_CFL = 13.9 ; Hot Black Body Temperature in Kelvin (floating point format) HC_BBT = 293.0 ; Hot Black Body ambiant temperature in Kelvin (floating point format) ; (optional) HCAMBT = 300.0 ; Hot Black body emissivity (0 <= emissivity <= 1) (floating point format) ; (optional) HCEMIS = 1.0 ; Number of scan to be done for Hot calibration HCNSCA = 1 ; Hot calibration file description ; (must be enclosed in double quotes 80 char. max ) HCDESC = "Sample description for Hot calibration ... " ; ; Sample measurement parameters ; ; Sample measurement Aperture Stop Diameter in cm (floating point format) SM_ASD = 2.5 ; Sample measurement Field Stop Diameter in cm (floating point format) SM_FSD = 0.64 ; Distance or Collimator Focal Length in cm (floating point format) SM_CFL = 13.9 ; Obscuration area (in %) OBSCAR = 0 ; Target area of the Field of view (in %) TARGAR = 100 ; Number of scan to be done for Sample measurement SMNSCA = 90 ; Sample measurement file description ; (must be enclosed in double quotes 80 char. max ) SMDESC = "nothing" ; Instrument parameters ; Laser frequency LASERF = 15799.7 ; Detector of channel #1 (A) preamplifier delay (DSP96000 and MR200 only) DELAYA = 3.75 ; Detector of channel #2 (B) preamplifier delay (DSP96000 and MR200 only) DELAYB = 3.75 ; Instrument settings (DSP96000 and supported instrument only) ; (NOTE: any parameter commented out is not changed) ; Resolution (0=128 1=64 2=32 3=16 4=8 5=4 6=2 7=1 cm-1) ;RESOLU = 5 ; Detector #1 gain (1,2,4,8,16) ;GAIND1 = 4 ; Detector #2 gain (1,2,4,8,16) ;GAIND2 = 4 ; Oversampling for detector #1 (0=1 1=2 sample per fringe) ;OVERS1 = 0 ; Oversampling for detector #2 (0=1 1=2 sample per fringe) ;OVERS2 = 0 ; Auxiliary detector (0=1st 2=2nd detector) ;AUXDET = 0 DELOS2 = 1.0@@@@@ END OF SECTION - op.set @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - aeriemis.asc @@@@@ 7/96 Sample #5 (Best of Lot #3 of 2.7 inch Aperture BB's) 400 0.9623 500 0.9628 550 0.9620 600 0.9594 650 0.9560 700 0.9556 740 0.9541 765 0.9548 800 0.9541 850 0.9556 900 0.9560 950 0.9556 1000 0.9503 1060 0.9413 1100 0.9495 1150 0.9686 1200 0.9732 1300 0.9760 1400 0.9766 1510 0.9770 1550 0.9770 1650 0.9770 1700 0.9767 1732 0.9751 1746 0.9744 1800 0.9669 1850 0.9644 1900 0.9636 2030 0.9640 2100 0.9640 2200 0.9646 2300 0.9654 2400 0.9646 2500 0.9646 2600 0.9654 2700 0.9654 2800 0.9661 2900 0.9669 3000 0.9676 3100 0.9676 @@@@@ END OF SECTION - aeriemis.asc @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - rwaspc.sip @@@@@ (File: RWASPC.SIP -- "static" input parameters for RWASPC) (GENERIC) (Note: blank lines, and lines with "(" in col.1, are ignored.) numberFirstCycle:= 1 numberLastCycle:= 9999 LASERwavenumberCh1:= 15799.30 LASERwavenumberCh2:= 15799.30@@@@@ END OF SECTION - rwaspc.sip @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - nlapp.sip @@@@@ (File: NLAPP.SIP -- "static" input parameters for NLAPP) (AERI-06: 05 May 2015 ln2 test) (Analysis using records: 1 - 120) (original nlapp) ( modified aperture ) (Note: blank lines, and lines with "(" in col.1, are ignored.) firstHBBreferenceRecNum(IHREC):= 1 firstInputRecord(IRECLO):= 1 lastInputRecord(IRECHI):= 9999 NLAPPwgt(WGT):= 100000.000000 NLAPPeff(EFF):= 0.700000 NLAPPfback(FBACK):= 1.000000 NLAPPhzpd0(HZPD0):= -60243.9962191 NLAPPczpd0(CZPD0):= 117555.757372 NLAPPnmax(NMAX):= 2 NLAPPan1(AN(1)):= 1.0 NLAPPan2(AN(2)):= 1.0627253850080388e-07 NLAPPan3(AN(3)):= 0.0 NLAPPan4(AN(4)):= 0.0 NLAPPan5(AN(5)):= 0.0 @@@@@ END OF SECTION - nlapp.sip @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - aericalv.sip @@@@@ (File: AERICALV.SIP -- "static" input parameters for AERICALV) (GENERIC - 970825) (Note: Comment lines must have a left parenthesis, "(", in the first column, ( and blank lines are ignored. hotViewIdentifier(MPHOT):= 'H' coldViewIdentifier(MPCOLD):= 'A' firstSceneNumber(NFSCN):= 1 lastSceneNumber(NLSCN):= 9999 outputImaginaryPart(OUTOP2):= 'Y' outputResponsivity(OUTOP3):= 'Y' minValidThermistorCount(CTMIN):= -32767 maxValidThermistorCount(CTMAX):= 32767 ratioTestFactor(RATFAC):= 1.5 BBcavityFactor(CAVFAC):= 39.0 (Following 8 parameters are BB Temperature Weights) ABBtempOffset(ABTOFF):= 0 HBBtempOffset(HBTOFF):= 0 ABBtopTempWeight(WTABBT):= 0.0945 ABBapexTempWeight(WTABBA):= 0.811 ABBbottomTempWeight(WTABBB):= 0.0945 HBBtopTempWeight(WTHBBT):= 0.0945 HBBapexTempWeight(WTHBBA):= 0.811 HBBbottomTempWeight(WTHBBB):= 0.0945 @@@@@ END OF SECTION - aericalv.sip @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - ffovcmr.si1 @@@@@ (File: FFOVCMR.SI1 -- "static" input parameters for FFOVCMR, Ch.1) (GENERIC) (Note: blank lines, and lines with "(" in col.1, are ignored.) FFOVhalfAngle(FFOV):= 23 rolloffPointLow(WNL):=500 rolloffPointHigh(WNH):=1800 firstInputRecord(NFR):= 1 lastInputRecord(NLR):= 9999 interferogramLength(NUSED):= 8192 numberOfTerms(NTERMS):= 2 @@@@@ END OF SECTION - ffovcmr.si1 @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - ffovcmr.si2 @@@@@ (File: FFOVCMR.SI2 -- "static" input parameters for FFOVCMR, Ch.2) (AERI-00U (formally AERI SHEBA) 001218) (Note: blank lines, and lines with "(" in col.1, are ignored.) FFOVhalfAngle(FFOV):= 23 rolloffPointLow(WNL):=1800 rolloffPointHigh(WNH):=3020 firstInputRecord(NFR):= 1 lastInputRecord(NLR):= 9999 interferogramLength(NUSED):= 8192 numberOfTerms(NTERMS):= 2 @@@@@ END OF SECTION - ffovcmr.si2 @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - zfli.si1 @@@@@ (File: ZFLI.SI1 -- "static" input parameters for ZFLI, Ch.1) (28 Aug 02: +0.44 change to generic WNLASR based on 13 May 2002 case) (5 Sep 06: +0.04 change to WNLASR based on 31 Aug 2006 case) (9 Oct 08: -0.04 change to WNLASR base on 26 Sep 2008 case) (13 Aug 13: +0.11 change to WNLASR based on 10 Aug 2013 case) (Note: blank lines, and lines with "(" in col.1, are ignored.) originalLaserWavenumber(WNLASR):= 15799.89 firstInputRecord(NFREC):= 1 lastInputRecord(NLREC):= 9999 outputLaserWavenumber(WNLASO):= 15799.0 firstWavenumberOut(WNAO):= 520.0 lastWavenumberOut(WNBO):= 1800.0 FFTpowerOf2(JEXP):= 17 @@@@@ END OF SECTION - zfli.si1 @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - zfli.si2 @@@@@ (File: ZFLI.SIP -- "static" input parameters for ZFLI, Ch.2) (28 Aug 02: +0.26 change to generic WNLASR based on 13 May 2002 case) (5 Sep 06: +0.08 change to generic WNLASR based on 31 Aug 2006 case) (9 Oct 08: +0.00 change to generic WNLASR base on 26 Sep 2008 case) (13 Aug 13: +0.05 change to WNLASR based on 10 Aug 2013 case) (Note: blank lines, and lines with "(" in col.1, are ignored.) originalLaserWavenumber(WNLASR):= 15799.69 firstInputRecord(NFREC):= 1 lastInputRecord(NLREC):= 9999 outputLaserWavenumber(WNLASO):= 15799.0 firstWavenumberOut(WNAO):= 1800.0 lastWavenumberOut(WNBO):= 3020.0 FFTpowerOf2(JEXP):= 17 @@@@@ END OF SECTION - zfli.si2 @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - disk_min.cfg @@@@@ @@@@@ END OF SECTION - disk_min.cfg @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - aerisum.sip @@@@@ (File: AERISUM.SIP -- "static" input parameters for AERISUM) (GENERIC) (Note: blank lines, and lines with "(" in col.1, are ignored.) firstInputRecord(NFR):= 1 lastInputRecord(NLR):= 9999 HBBtempDriftLimit(DHBBMX):= 0.5 LWskyNENlimit(SNENMX(1)):= 1.0 SWskyNENlimit(SNENMX(2)):= 0.05@@@@@ END OF SECTION - aerisum.sip @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - channel.map @@@@@ (AERIBago Channel.Map of Metrabyte Channels ) (020507) (Note: Comment lines must have a left parenthesis, "(", in the first column, ) ( and blank lines are ignored. ) ( Negative channels represent digitals, of which there are 32 available: ) ( -1 : first byte, first bit ) ( -9 : second byte, first bit ... etc. ) ( History: ) ( 961212 : RKG adapted from channel.map and hkchan.txt ) ( 970707 : fixed up hatchOpenDetect, hatchClosedDetect ) ( 970722 : added opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity ) ( 020507 : removed scene mirror temp & air flow delta parameers) (Ch. Short Name in single quotes) 00 'ABBtopTemp' 01 'ABBapexTemp' 02 'ABBbottomTemp' 03 'HBBtopTemp' 04 'HBBapexTemp' 05 'HBBbottomTemp' 06 'fixed2500ohmResistor' 07 'fixed97KohmResistor' 08 'outsideAirTemp' 09 'airNearInterferometerTemp' 10 'interferometerSecondPortTemp' 11 'BBsupportStructureTemp' 12 'airNearBBsTemp' 13 'mirrorMotorTemp' (14 'sceneMirrorTemp') 15 'fixed12KohmResistor' 16 'BBcontroller1temp' 17 'BBcontroller2temp' 18 'coolerCompressorTemp' 19 'coolerExpanderTemp' 20 'coolerPowerSupplyTemp' 21 'rackAmbientTemp' 22 'computerTemp' 23 'motorDriverTemp' 24 'SCEtemp' 25 'coolerCurrent' 26 'detectorTemp' 27 'rainSensorIntensity' 28 'interferometerWindowTemp' (29 'frontEndFanAirUnheatedTemp') (30 'frontEndFanAirHeatedTemp') 31 'spareTemp' 32 'atmosphericRelativeHumidity' 33 'interferometerEnclosureRelativeHumidity' 34 'atmosphericPressure' (35 'sunSensorIntensity') (1026 'opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity') (digitals) -2 'hatchOpenDetect' -3 'hatchClosedDetect' @@@@@ END OF SECTION - channel.map @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - aerigps.cfg @@@@@ #GENERIC (981201) #AERI GPS reception config parameters # AERIGPS communicates with a Motorola Oncore GPS receiver at 9600 bps # using the Motorola Binary format. It fetches the position/status/time message; # if sufficient satellites (4) are locked and Dilution of Precision is low enough, # AERI.POS is generated. If 3 satellite are locked, a GPS time is available. # It can set the OS/2 system clock to GPS time if permitted below. # to disable gps, set active:=false/off/no; program will exit without effect active:=false # set COM port (RocketPort = COM3 through COM6) GPS receiver is attached to port:=COM2 # synchronize PC clock to GPS time time_sync:=off # optionally force the altitude in AERI.POS, since Z for GPS is rarely useful # for fixed land-based operations locked_altitude:=1 # (in meters) @@@@@ END OF SECTION - aerigps.cfg @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - bbctrl.tmp @@@@@ -263.00 -263.00@@@@@ END OF SECTION - bbctrl.tmp @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - outgoing.lis @@@@@ ; COMPREHENSIVE OUTGOING.LIS (981213) ; ; list files to be saved in \OUTGOING as wild card files ; ; Comments begin with ";" or "#" # Blank lines are ignored *.PAR *.DTE *.SCR *.QC *.SIT *.SUM *.CSV *.RNC *.CXS *.UVS *.LOG@@@@@ END OF SECTION - outgoing.lis @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - aemirsaf.cfg @@@@@ # AEMIRSAF config file, GENERIC (981201) #mirror safing config # default is active, set active:=false to disable safing entirely # refer to channel.map for sensor names, mirror.beg for # mirror schedule settings (specifically SCENE view) active:=true # one or more conditions stating "safe if" in the form # value1 < sensorname < value2 # value1 > sensorname > value2 # sensorname < value # sensorname > value -1 < rainSensorIntensity < 9000 # sunSensorIntensity > 1 # optionally override the safing command with a new 'D' # mirror controller directive (default is Sky -18000) # uncomment this line and set mirror value #D-18650 # the angle to which to safe to, 0 being skyward # Motor step is computed based on contents of mirror.beg angle 120 # angle for cleaning the mirror cleaningAngle 270 # end of AEMIRSAF.CFG @@@@@ END OF SECTION - aemirsaf.cfg @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - SUMARY.SCR @@@@@ window with position of 0 67; size of 541 141; real-time is on; title is "INSTRUMENT ..."; bottom-label is "Time"; decimal-hours-x is on; visible-menu is off; horizontal-divisions is 8; vertical-divisions is 10; common-x is on; common-y is on; graph with line of red; range of 0 24 125 325; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:surfaceLayerAirTemp675_680) end; graph with line of blue; range of 0 24 125 325; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:longwaveWindowAirTemp985_990) end; graph with line of darkgreen; range of 0 24 125 325; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:shortwaveWindowAirTemp2510_2515) end; end; window with position of 0 348; size of 541 141; real-time is on; title is "INSTRUMENT ..."; bottom-label is "Time"; decimal-hours-x is on; visible-menu is off; horizontal-divisions is 8; vertical-divisions is 10; common-x is on; common-y is off; graph with line of black; range of 0 24 0 1.5; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:coolerCurrent) end; graph with line of red; range of 0 24 60 72; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:detectorTemp) end; end; window with position of 0 207; size of 541 141; real-time is on; title is "INSTRUMENT ..."; bottom-label is "Time"; decimal-hours-x is on; visible-menu is off; horizontal-divisions is 8; vertical-divisions is 10; common-x is on; common-y is on; graph with line of red; range of 0 24 230 340; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:calibrationHBBtemp) end; graph with line of blue; range of 0 24 230 340; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:calibrationCBBtemp) end; graph with line of darkgreen; range of 0 24 230 340; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:BBsupportStructureTemp) end; graph with line of brown; range of 0 24 230 340; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:calibrationAmbientTemp) end; graph with line of neutral; range of 0 24 230 340; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:airNearBBsTemp) end; graph with line of yellow; range of 0 24 230 340; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:interferometerSecondPortTemp) end; graph with line of darkblue; range of 0 24 230 340; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:spareTemp) end; graph with line of pink; range of 0 24 230 340; FILE(meta:timeHHMMSS:outsideAirTemp) end; end; @@@@@ END OF SECTION - SUMARY.SCR @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - AESITTER.SCR @@@@@ # AESITTER.SCR for AERI (031118) RGD # Revised 220518 for SPARC JG # Revised 031118 for NSA2 site (changed LW NEN & responsivities) # Revised 031212 for NSA2 to change date format from integer to yymmdd # # Revised 020419 for NSA site - AERI-07 setup w/V. Walden detector. # Revised 020410 R. Knuteson UW-SSEC # # Limits Tests for AERI: AESITTER input script # # R. Dedecker / R. Garcia # Space Science and Engineering Center # University of Wisconsin-Madison # # # invocation : aesitter -DFILE=test.sum -x=100 -y=100 test.scr # position for AERI windows position is 375 100; position is 539 84; help file is aesitter.hlp; title is INSTRUMENT ...; metadata FILE is date is position is 1 1; meaning is "instrument date"; prefix is "Date "; format is yymmdd; dateYYMMDD end; time is position is 2 1; meaning is "instrument time"; help id is 50025; prefix is "UTC "; format is hhmmss; timeHHMMSS end; record is position is 3 1; meaning is "record number"; help id is 50020; prefix is "Record "; 0 end; Latitude is position is 1 2; meaning is "GPS latitude"; prefix is "Lat "; format is time; Latitude end; Longitude is position is 2 2; meaning is "GPS longitude"; prefix is "Lon "; format is time; Longitude end; Mirror Angle is position is 3 2; meaning is "Mirror Angle"; prefix is "Scene Mirror Angle "; format is integer; sceneMirrorAngle end; ABB Temp is position is 1 3; yellow is 243.15 313.15; green is 248.15 308.15; calibrationCBBtemp end; Outside Air Temp is position is 2 3; yellow is 233.15 323.15; green is 253.15 313.15; help id is PrimaryPanel; outsideAirTemp end; Rack Ambient Temp is position is 3 3; yellow is 277.15 319.15; green is 282.15 314.15; rackAmbientTemp end; Rain Intensity is # AERI window position position is 4 3; position is 3 10; yellow is 6000 11000; green is 9400 10000; rainSensorIntensity end; ABB Max Temp Diff is position is 1 4; green is 0 0.05; yellow is 0 0.1; ABBmaxTempDiff end; BB Support Struct. Temp is position is 2 4; yellow is 233.15 323.15; green is 253.15 313.15; BBsupportStructureTemp end; Computer Temp is position is 3 4; yellow is 277.15 319.15; green is 282.15 314.15; computerTemp end; Hatch Open is position is 3 15; yellow is 0 0; green is 1 2; hatchOpen end; HBB Temp is position is 1 5; yellow is 263.15 353.15; green is 332.5 333.5; calibrationHBBtemp end; Air Temp Near BBs is position is 2 5; yellow is 233.15 343.15; green is 253.15 338.15; airNearBBsTemp end; SCE Temp is position is 3 5; yellow is 273.15 333.15; green is 278.15 328.15; SCEtemp end; HBB Max Temp Diff is position is 1 6; green is 0 0.4; yellow is 0 0.7; HBBmaxTempDiff end; Scene Mirror Temp is # position is 2 6; position is 3 12; yellow is 223.15 323.15; green is 228.65 319.15; sceneMirrorTemp end; ABB Controller Temp is position is 3 6; yellow is 273.15 323.15; green is 278.15 318.15; BBcontroller1temp end; Air Humidity is # AERI window position position is 4 6; position is 2 6; yellow is 1.0 99.0; green is 10.0 97.0; atmosphericRelativeHumidity end; HBB Temp Stability is position is 1 7; yellow is -0.5 0.5; green is -0.05 0.05; HBBtempDrift end; Mirror Motor Temp is position is 2 7; yellow is 233.15 363.15; green is 238.15 333.15; mirrorMotorTemp end; HBB Controller Temp is position is 3 7; yellow is 273.15 323.15; green is 278.15 318.15; BBcontroller2temp end; Atmos. Pressure is # AERI window position position is 4 7; position is 2 8; yellow is 750.0 1040.0; green is 800.0 1025.0; atmosphericPressure end; 336 Kelvin (Reference) is position is 1 8; yellow is 336.064 336.184; green is 336.094 336.154; help id is 50060; fixed2500ohmResistor end; # Air Flow Delta Temp is # position is 2 8; # position is 3 13; # yellow is -4.8 4.8; # green is -3.8 3.8; # frontEndFanAirTempDiff # end; Cooler Pwr Sup. Temp is position is 3 8; yellow is 281.15 333.15; green is 288.15 328.15; coolerPowerSupplyTemp end; 293 Kelvin (Reference) is position is 1 9; yellow is 293.612 293.732; green is 293.642 293.702; help id is 50055; fixed12KohmResistor end; Spare (Shelter) Temp is position is 2 9; yellow is 281.15 308.15; green is 288.15 303.15; help id is PrimaryPanel; spareTemp end; Motor Driver Temp is position is 3 9; yellow is 273.15 323.15; green is 278.15 318.15; motorDriverTemp end; # Sun Intensity is # position is 4 9; # yellow is 273.15 323.15; # green is 278.15 318.15; # sunSensorIntensity # end; 249 Kelvin (Reference) is position is 1 10; yellow is 249.190 249.310; green is 249.220 249.280; help id is 50055; fixed97KohmResistor end; Interfer. Window Temp is position is 2 10; yellow is 281.15 311.15; green is 288.15 306.15; interferometerWindowTemp end; Max Sample StdDev is position is 1 11; green is 0 0.137; yellow is 0 0.177; maxSampleStdDev end; Interfer. 2nd Port Temp is position is 2 11; yellow is 281.15 311.15; green is 288.15 306.15; interferometerSecondPortTemp end; Encoder Scene Confirm is position is 3 11; yellow is -5 5; green is -2.5 2.5; sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift end; # Maximum Roll is # AERI window position position is 4 11; # position is 3 12; # yellow is -15 15; # green is -5 5; # maxRoll # end; LW HBB NEN is position is 1 12; green is 0 0.2; yellow is 0 1; LW_HBB_NEN end; Air Temp Near Interfer. is position is 2 12; yellow is 281.15 308.15; green is 288.15 303.15; airNearInterferometerTemp end; # Maximum Pitch is # AERI window position position is 4 12; # position is 3 13; # yellow is -15 15; # green is -5 5; # maxPitch # end; SW HBB NEN is position is 1 13; green is 0 0.015; yellow is 0 0.1; SW_HBB_NEN end; Interfer. Humidity is position is 2 13; yellow is 12.0 20.0; green is 0.0 12.0; interferometerEnclosureRelativeHumidity end; LW Responsivity is position is 1 14; green is 0.679 5.0; yellow is 0.643 5.0; LWresponsivity end; Cooler Comp. Temp is position is 2 14; yellow is 281.0 313.0; green is 288.0 308.0; coolerCompressorTemp end; Cooler Current is position is 3 13; yellow is 0.2 1.2; green is 0.3 1.15; coolerCurrent end; SW Responsivity is position is 1 15; green is 7.22 20.0; yellow is 6.84 20.0; SWresponsivity end; Cooler Expander Temp is position is 2 15; yellow is 281. 313.; green is 288. 310.; help id is 50075; coolerExpanderTemp end; Detector Temp is position is 3 14; yellow is 74.0 85.0; green is 75.0 79.0; detectorTemp end; Optics Humidity is position is 2 16; yellow is 0.0 20.0; green is 0.0 16.0; opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity end; end;@@@@@ END OF SECTION - AESITTER.SCR @@@@@ @@@@@ BEGIN SECTION - RADIANCE.SCR @@@@@ window with position of 0 485; size of 509 285; real-time is on; title is "INSTRUMENT Ch. 1 Rad. [...]"; bottom-label is "Wavenumber"; common-x is on; common-y is off; graph with line of black; range of 500 1500 0 180; FILE1(1data1:1) end; end; window with position of 506 486; size of 518 285; real-time is on; title is "INSTRUMENT Ch. 2 Rad. [...]"; bottom-label is "Wavenumber"; common-x is on; common-y is off; graph with line of black; range of 2000 3000 0 10; FILE2(1data1:1) end; end; @@@@@ END OF SECTION - RADIANCE.SCR @@@@@