
The Space Science & Engineering Center in collaboration with the Department of Atmospheric Science maintains several high resolution cameras atop of our building (AO&SS) located on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. These cameras take pictures every 10 seconds. The pictures shown below from our rooftop cameras are automatically updated about every two minutes.

A gallery / archive of interesting and notable movies captured by the cameras is available.

If you would like to use any of these movies or images please refer to our Disclaimer / Usage Information page.


Smartphone format

You can also view these images via an auto-updating smartphone friendly format:

Live Video

These streams provide a live video feed from the rooftop cameras and require the free VLC Player to play.

A rolling 10-day archive of the full 10 frames per second (fps) video from the rooftop cameras is available at Other movies available here and through AOS are generally composites of still images snapped every 10 seconds.

West View

Larger size

Northwest View

Larger size

North View

Larger size

East View

Larger size

South View

Larger size